Monday, September 12, 2011

Batgirl #1

Story by
Gail Simone

Art by
Ardian Syaf and Vicente Cifuentes

Colors by
Ulises Arreola

Letters  by
Dave Sharpe

Cover by
Adam Hughes
DC Comics

Batgirl revisited again.  I will start this out by saying I think DC made a mistake and should have stuck with Stephanie Brown or Cassandra Caine as Batgirl.  Their statement that the most recognizable Batgirl is Barbara Gordon doesn't hold up for her since they made Damien Wayne Robin and not Dick Grayson. That being said...

The Plot 

Batgirl is back in action as Barbara Gordon has mysteriously recovered from being paralyzed after a shot through the spine in a Killing Joke flashback scene.  While on patrol she quickly dispatches some thugs who are in the process of a home invasion/murder scene Ala Charlie Manson.  While Batgirl saves the day a new Villain called The Mirror is checking his list as he dispatches people who seem to have cheated death in someway or recovered from injuries in miraculous a way.  Barbara is of course on the list. He may have watched Final Destination a little too closely. Barbara on the other hand has decided since she can walk again is moving out of her dad's place and in with a cool artist girl who I am sure later will be cast as a victim.  For the climax of the issue Batgirl races off to the hospital in order to save one of the would be murderers from earlier in the issue from the Mirror.  The Mirror successfully kills a cop, injures another one and because he has a gun Batgirl freezes up and won't attack him so he pushes the thug throw a window.  The Mirror seems to like killing people in the fashion that they would have died in.  I guess they don't make shatterproof glass like they used to.  The wounded cop then blames Batgirl for the murderer's death.

What Was Right

I found the art decent and the interactions with the roommate and the Commish well handled.  The pacing was well done and kept a good flow throughout till the climax of the issue.  I feel fans of Gail Simone will enjoy the story as the characters were for the most part well written.

Batgirl's inner monologue throughout the book was good as well.  Gail did a good job of trying to make her feel real.

What Was Wrong

I find it hard here to not break my promise and tear down the book piece by little piece.  I do not feel that this story was entirely Gail's fault, I think DC Comics as a whole is to blame on it and Gail did her best with the project.  That being said it was well written for what she had to work with, I do not think DC was justified in using Barbara and if they really wanted to I do not think referencing the Killing Joke was the way to go.  For a rebooted series it did not feel like a reboot, it felt like all the Oracle stories were pretty much just dumped in the garbage.  Now they do have three years to play with where they could do back stories showing Oracle but this is really just another way of saying cop out.

My other issue is at the end of the book, I have a serious issue with Batgirl freezing over being faced with a gun.  I know she was shot and that could lead to PTSD but come on has she ever heard of Deadshot?  If Batgirl is running around fighting crime she would also have to be ready to deal with at least one psycho with a gun.

Final problem, it is bad enough to have a superhero living with the Commissioner and trying to keep a secret identity but getting a roommate?  I can see it know, she wanders into Barb's room to steal a sweater and finds the Batgirl costume a little too early for Halloween.

End of Line

Well will I be adding it to my pull list?  The answer is No, I do not feel this book is worth my time.  I am actually troubled by this as I am generally a fan of the Batgirl character, I just wish DC went in a different direction.

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